About Am I Really?

Am I Really? is for anyone who has had that moment of, “Seriously, that just happened?” It is comprised of the random thoughts floating in my head.  So good luck with that.

In speaking with friends, family, and strangers at CVS, I have discovered that I am not alone in my view of life and the world around me. I hope that you enjoy these true, yet silly stories and anecdotes.

If you are looking for advice, a new recipe, or the latest fashion trends – this is not the place for you. Unless you think peanut butter is the answer to all of the life’s questions, then YES, this is the perfect advice column.

So here are my promises to you dear reader: 1) You will most certainly find misused verb tenses and a host of other grammatical issues; and 2) You will have a good time.

I am not trying to save the world with these articles. I just want you to laugh or smile reading them and know that no, you are not the only person who has worn a bathing suit when out of the clean underwear.

So grab your favorite beverage and sit back and enjoy!

P.S. Feedback is always appreciated, so send me an email or post a comment! Spread the word!

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